Olive Branch

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Paul Tjaden
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Olive Branch

Post by Paul Tjaden »

After the incredible and huge victory of Barack Obama yesterday, I was very tempted to write some childish nananananaaaaanah sort of post to Marco but instead I'd like to extend an olive branch and ask him to look beyond the hate and fear tactics that have left about 30% of Americans "devastated" about Obama being President and ask him to join the rest of us in ending the deviciveness that has been destroying our country from within. Obama is NOT a terrorist, a communist, or the anti-Christ. He is an American citizen who truly cares about his country and our Constitution. Give him a chance and I think he will prove this to you and lead us out of this mess.

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Location: garyD - Falls Church, Va

Re: Olive Branch

Post by deveil »

indeed, a right and proper sentiment. the only road that is going to lead Anywhere.

hOwever, if you want to enjoy, vicariously, some of the fun and joy and irreverence of one part of the black community, if you think that a certain dead horse can stand a little bit longer and can take a few more licks and you're not quite ready to put down that stick before you pick up 'the branch' ? the black dj's of the tom joyner morning show on fm 102.3 in d.c. (syndicated nationally) are just sTArting to enjoy themselves. and they are a hOOt!

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Re: Olive Branch

Post by brianvh »

I just read Obama's book, the one "Dreams from my father". I used to think uneasily that he just talked a good game, but he's experienced alot, and thought about it very deeply. And he's a damn good writer. I don't know if he can fix what's wrong with this country, but he's got the best shot of anyone I know.
Brian Vant-Hull
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Re: Olive Branch

Post by air_medal »

I recommend the afterword to Orson Scott Card's novel entitled EMPIRE. It is thought-provoking, and it expresses my dismay over the dogmatism and outright hatred I hear from BOTH sides of the aisle much better that I have been able to do.

I think the Olive branch idea is a good thing. Problem is, you gotta be willing to do that even when you are not the ones on the top getting your way. I have hope now, if only because everyone in the world both Republican and Democrat is scared shitless, and we all once-again have a common enemy whom we fear and despise more than those who fail to share our political ideology.

Fingers crossed.
Joe G.
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Re: Olive Branch

Post by dbodner »

and we all once-again have a common enemy whom we fear and despise more than those who fail to share our political ideology.
That would be Tad?

Sorry, couldn't resist.
David Bodner
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Re: Olive Branch

Post by deveil »

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