I'm outta here

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Flying Lobster
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I'm outta here

Post by Flying Lobster »

Sorry folks, but I'm not going to partake in a forum that puts up with sick individuals like Tad who have a compelling need to vent their hatred and bile on the members. It's a mystery to me why Mark has clearly allowed him to carry on in clear violation of the standards he established.

Great Googly-moo!
Tad Eareckson
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Post by Tad Eareckson »

Flying Lobster

2007/12/02 17:42:39

...I've had enough, F%$k you too!


Flying Lobster

2008/04/21 23:54:28

This forum needs a dickhead release.
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by jimrooney »

MarkC's clearly on vacation.
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by deveil »

what we got here is a failure to communicate.
this phenomenon here has been so intractable as to have acquired a certain fascination , to which most everyone reading this can attest (you know who you are you jerry springer addicts ;) ).
the only thing i can come up with to explain all the aspects is something called Asperger's Syndrome, of which one distinguishing characteristic is . . . . a failure to communicate(!) and an associated seemingly irrational anger(!).
don't ask me how i know, but i know.
google it.


i mean after all, the only available recourses are either flaming or armchair psychology.
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by deveil »

and oh yeah, it's basically untreatable as well as being mostly unfathomable to those afflicted. as with color blindness one can't comprehend what those colors that can't be seen look like, there's just a realization that something is different, something is missing. you know, just be thorough and all.
although some people are just fricking self indulgent as well.

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Re: I'm outta here

Post by CraginS »

The Friend and Foe feature is your friend here. I recommend you take advantage of it and stick around.

When I look at the last page of the Weak Link thread, this is what I see:
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by deveil »

oh wait. when googling, it turned out that aspergers syndrome and asshole syndrome have overlapping symptoms! :shock:
(just keeping it light ;) )
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by dbodner »

Hate to see you go, dude. You bring some nice perspectives to the conversation. But, I'll echo Cragin's advice with a more low-tech approach. If I don't want to read posts, I simply skip 'em.
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by Spark »


Thanks for posting about the new release.
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by mcelrah »

Ya, I don't even have to look at the author - if it's more than a page, I'm gonna skip it anyway... - Hugh
P.S. Unless it's a flying story!
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by jimrooney »

Yesterday, I flew with some very nice people from Baltimore.
It's not entirely uncommon... yup, 1/2 way around the world to do something they can do in their back yard.

Anyway. When they asked about the scene back home... I don't tell them about chgpa. I can't.
This forum is so chalk full of hatred and bullshit that there's no way I'm sending outsiders into it. This is not the first view of the hang gliding "community" that they're going to get.

The actual club is so much better than this.
But that's not what they'll see.
It seems we've got people walking away from this forum on a regular basis. Good people that are just sick of Tad's crap. Sorry to point fingers, but if the shoe fits.
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by RedBaron »

What's the purpose of this forum? Making arrangements for flying a particular site, flight and accident reports and exchanging ideas on anything related to HG. There is freedom of speech, but there is also responsibility for the club, the sport and attracting new members, pilots. Tad's rants are not about exchange, they are off-putting, they give the impression we're a bunch of loonies. But he's got many enablers, I regret I was one of them. I would therefore like to join Marc Fink. I'm outta here as well.
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by theflyingdude »

Well..., I'm not leaving. Watching the train-wreck that is Tad provides a lot of amusement and entertainment. Calling him a loony doesn't even come close to covering it, but it's like driving past an accident scene - part of you doesn't want to look, but the other part can't seem to look away. I'm guessing that's the reason there are so many hits on those topics where the Tadster is involved. People tune in to watch him make a total ass of himself and he rarely lets us down in that regard.
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by mcelrah »

Well...I wouldn't say Tad has a monopoly on rants. We have had plenty of flame wars in the December - February cabin fever season without him. - Hugh
Tad Eareckson
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Post by Tad Eareckson »


I got the impression from your post of 2008/11/19 that you don't have a whole lot of resistance when it comes to the asking of obvious questions department.

So I'm giving you this one as a present...

Ask our resident self appointed spokesman for the "good people" how - seeing as how he's blocked all of my posts since near the beginning of this calendar year and thus has even less idea of what they're about than he did when he was "reading" them - he knows that they're crap.

And, of course, the equally obvious corollary...

If this forum is, indeed, so chalk - oops - chock full of hatred and bullshit as he perceives, then, of course, the hatred and bullshit upon which he bases this perception MUST be coming from sources exclusive of yours truly.


Kinda in the same vein, I got the impression that you had crossed me off your reading list immediately following my embarrassing request that you address the inconvenient truth that BOTH me and my buddy Jim was telling you in no uncertain terms not to drop below 1.0 Gs.

Oh well, God works in mysterious ways...

Regarding this forum and your list of acceptable topics of discussion...

Accident reports are freakin' gold mines of valuable data that get people to sit up and take notice a bit. To me they're like Christmas presents as far as furthering my understanding of some of these issues.

But I'd rather not read them 'cause nice toys get broken and people end up crippled or dead all the time and I don't like seeing that.

I'd rather read incident reports 'cause they give us just as valuable data without all the mess.

For example...

Both Mike Haas and Carlos Weill proved beyond a shadow of a doubt (to anyone who's got a clue as to what he's looking at anyway) that relying on the Sacred One Size Fits All Weak Link to keep you alive in a low level lockout is a VERY BAD idea.

Mike did the Full Monty from about sixty feet to really get the point across, wimpy Carlos just ran the simulation from a grand.

So what I'm more into than just reading accident report after accident report the way we always do, is to use the science and data to make predictions and recommend that we alter our behavior to interrupt the accident cycle. Is it OK with you if we make put that sort of thing on the acceptable topics list?
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by deveil »

... Jerry! Jerry!
perhaps a compromise between the "throw the bum out" faction and the "no!,no! keep the bungling, bumbling bum."
tad insists that his blog stay on the hang gliding forum due to its importance. yet the stated purpose and decorum of this forum constrains others from engaging in the fullness, freedom, and reckless abandon afforded by the general discussion forum.
brian was on to something there when he was providing a sanitized version of tad's posts for those disinclined to wade through the dross or who had tad's posts blocked.
so. . . tad would keep posting his stream of consciousness blog and anyone caring to respond there would, of course, be unconstrained.
meanwhile. . . a parallel thread would exist on the general discussion forum for those concerned about mucking up the hg forum when giving tad an 'in kind' response.
in order to make it work, a contributor to this general discussion thread would cut and paste tad's missives subsequent to the previous posting on this general discussion thread. well, i guess that that could become an onerous task, so at least repost the ones being referenced.
nah. . . forget it. nobody's as obsessive about this as tad and the whole point of jerry springer was that it was absurd, mindless and effortless.
this post itself has gotten to be too much effort. :oops: :?

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Re: I'm outta here

Post by jimrooney »

Head over to hanggliding.org if you would like to see how a forum should be run.

My question is this... is this a bar room or a community forum?
Cuz right now, it's a bar.
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by deveil »

yeah, about that bar analogy.
i just now came back and reread my last post.
sounds like some drunk explaining an appiffny...an effipany... anahfnipany... ah fug it.
what was i sayin ?

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Re: I'm outta here

Post by theflyingdude »

deveil wrote:yeah, about that bar analogy.
i just now came back and reread my last post.
sounds like some drunk explaining an appiffny...an effipany... anahfnipany... ah fug it.
what was i sayin ?

Gary's buying the next round!

I'll have six beers and three margaritas, in tribute to Dr. HST.
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by Danny Brotto »

"Yesterday, I flew with some very nice people from Baltimore. "

"Anyway. When they asked about the scene back home... I don't tell them about chgpa. I can't."


If your Baltimore group were to Google "Maryland Hang Gliding", the first 3 references are to the MHGA, Highland Aerosports, and Maryland School of HG. I would say that these are wholesome references. Just last week the MHGA met for a very nice holiday party with lots of food, refreshments, and HG chatter at the home of the MSHG's proprietor.

A little way down in that Google search, you'll see a link to chgpa.org. There's lots of great information there too along with information in the banner about another friendly holiday party.

So if your group follows through locally at all with the HG experience you showed them in NZ, then I'm sure they will expose themselves to the rich portfolio of support that the mid-Atlantic offers. We have a questionable exchange going on in an on-line forum but I think most people can wade through some of the toxic language (even if some of the points have discussable merit) and focus on the positive opportunity that the clubs and the majority of its interactions provide.

Hope you are doing really well down under. It’s rainy, and cold, and nasty here right now but the fire is roaring and the merlot is close by (and the weekend is looking flyable!)

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Re: I'm outta here

Post by jimrooney »

And that's exactly why I send them to google.
I tell them to google hang glide maryland and they'll see "highland aerosports" straight away.

I'm saddened by the fact that I can not send them to the chgpa.
I will not ask newbies to "look past" anything, let alone a bunch of spew as is done here.

Google search "Hang glide maryland"....
Highland Aerosports

Notice how there is nothing here that I have to ask anyone to "overlook".
I can send my mom to them.
I can't send my mom here. The comments of "Jerry jerry jerry" are so completely accurate it makes me sick.
I'm amazed it's tolerated.
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Re: I'm outta here

Post by Matthew »


First off. Tad is not a member of CHGPA and is not affiliated with CHGPA. He hasn't been a member for at least ten years.

Second. Gee thanks Jim. Thanks for not supporting your local club and thanks for not letting pilots in the region know that they have a local club and local flying sites. It's not like we take care of the sites or have a free forum that's open to non-members or we spend a lot of money paying for site insurance, the web site and forum and improving the sites and sponsoring and participating in events that help promote the sport and maintaining good relations with landowners and promoting safety and referring people interested in the sport of hang gliding to Highland Aerosports and doing all of these things as volunteers. Oh wait, yes, we do all of these things.


And it's not like you've never been involved in or instigated any flame wars.

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Re: I'm outta here

Post by jimrooney »

Clean up your site and I'll happily turn people to it.
You're not family. This isn't unconditional love. The club doesn't get a free pass because it does good things.

This site is the way it is because it is allowed to be so.
It's your site, which means you allow it.
Notice the difference when MarkC's actively moderating things and when he's not.
Don't complain to me. I follow your rules.
Tad brazenly does not... and you tolerate him.
I AM a member. I have a right to complain.
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appropriate self censorship

Post by Dan T »

I have a great deal of respect for Mark C's tolerance. He's been more than patient. Normally I'd say let the rant happen as it may and we can work around it, but Marc and Jim have a point.

The function of this website is to contribute to hang gliding and to encourage people to learn about and perhaps participate in the sport. Tad's comments are not conducive to projecting the image we want to represent us. For that reason I, ever so reluctantly, cast my vote with those who would remove him from the list.

Sorry Tad, while you have found a way to draw attention to your cause, you've buried whatever legitimacy it may have in your vulgur and inappropriate retorts. There is a rule of logic that says you should address an argument on its merits and not those of the individual making it. We are however all human and are inclined to discount the credibility of an argument when presented by someone who has otherwise chosen to distance himself from our norms. You are receiving the hundreds of responses because everyone is compelled to watch a train wreck. That doesn't mean we want to be in one.

In any event I think it's time you leave our site. You cannot make a positive contribution to the sport with the approach you have taken here. Alternately you could apologize for your behavior, and promise to clean up your language. If you followed through on both counts you would probably soon find that you have more friends and perhaps even more people willing to listen to the logic of your engineering designs.

I would love to see you do that Tad. You once pointed out a flaw in my harness that might possibly have saved my life. Here in Baghdad we each have a battle buddy, a person who looks out for us and vice versa. On that day you were my battle buddy for sure. I owe you one. This is my attempt to repay it as best I can. You can contribute to the sport as you have, but you must clean up your mouth and your ranting to be heard.

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Re: I'm outta here

Post by hepcat1989 »

I don't know how to word this ,so i'll do the best I can...It's been close to a year now that i've pulled way back on this forum. I havn't been posting much on my flight reports, or anything really. A few words as of lately and a few pics. I had a great trip out west in May/June hangin and flying with Spark in Colorado and Montana. I didn't want to post none of it here.... Spark posted on my behalf because he didn't want to let the opportunity to slip by.I mean,I got to check off an item on the life's to do list. Fly The Rockies on a Hang Glider! I won the spot landing at the Colorado Fly-in after a humbling flight. Me, pilot nobody from PA. All breathing heavy in the thinner air! Funny shit...That, being said i'm not doing that bragging thing,(It takes from the karma bucket)I just didn't want to post anything. That's screwed up....I've been mostly using it as a tool to let pilots know when and where. To pile this all on Tad as of lately is, well.......Tad, i'm not on your side, i'm on my side.
This is no lie, I have talked with different club members from Out West,Close Out West,North West, Down South and Up North. They ask what club I belong to and I tell them. The response is pretty much the same...Oh, really,I've checked out their forum and I just can't get into it... All the back biting, the jocking for the intellectual pedistal of Sky God(spelling) so this is why you must hang on my every word,the arguing,the this is what you should have done.......IT SUCKS! Takes the fun right out of the sport for me. I've found myself kind of pointing my head down and kicking stones around when I say what club i'm affiliated with.That's not me... If I can be so bold as to say the nickname "Cap Heads" have come up in different locales. Have I contributed to this kind of behavior?Maybe, I don't wish to be a hipicrit.There are some great pics and stories here on this web site, but other crap tips the scale.
This is just from my small corner of this CHGPA. I'm a member, I try and help out, I do work( It would be good to see new faces to help sweat!)So, have I earned the right to have the floor at this moment? I guess here I am the bad guy, or just the guy with the nads to speak up and say what some of our own have been saying to me for years now as well!...
Man, I don't like taking this role.... It is what it is.
I'm not Outta Here, I'll stay.. Roll up the sleeves and Let's Get It!
Maybe it's a computer screen thing. Let's talk about things in person, It's better that way don't you agree?
It's not Cristmas yet and we have a new year coming.
Let's have some fun huh? That's what i'm about. :twisted:
Peace, Shawn.