High Rock afternoon (Tue)

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High Rock afternoon (Tue)

Post by alek »

It looks light but promising for a High Rock afternoon. Steve K and I are meeting there around 1 pm. Interested?

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Post by alek »

I'll start with the last part first - Steve signed off on my H3! Thank you! Huge thanks to the instructors, observers and everyone else that have mentored me.

And now back to the beginning... It was overcast on the drive up, but the sun started to poke through once we got to HR. I launched around 1:30pm and started sinking out after a few passes, but found a thermal on my way to LZ and eventually got up to 1800 over launch. Steve finished setting up and launched just as the lift started letting up and within 10-15 min we were both on the ground. Then enjoyed a hike back up to get our cars.

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High Rock afternoon (Tue)

Post by brianvh »

Congratulations! Well deserved.
Now wipe that silly grin off your face...

Brian Vant-Hull

On Wed, 18 May 2005, alek wrote:

> I'll start with the last part first - Steve signed off on my H3! Thank you! Huge thanks to the instructors, observers and everyone else that have mentored me.
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Post by breezyk1d »


WAY TO GO!!!!! That is wonderful news about getting your Hang 3! Our H2 ("who's got an observer lined up?") numbers are dwindling... but I'm always happy to hear that our hang gliding community is growing in experience. Looking forward to seeing you in the mountains this summer! - Linda B.
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Post by Scott »

Congratulations Alek! (And I just remembered---a belated congrats to our Prez Daniel too!)

I don't think I deserve a 3 yet...but hopefully by the end of the summer...

Paul Tjaden
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High Rock afternoon (Tue)

Post by Paul Tjaden »

Congratulations, Alek.
Your flying skills were quite evident when you were?in Florida?this winter. It's not a simple task to fly a novice level glider on a 20+ mile cross country flight like you did here.Glad that your ability has been recognized.
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High Rock afternoon (Tue)

Post by hang_pilot »

Linda wrote: Our H2 ("who's got an observer lined up?") numbers are dwindling...
[DB] We’re now down two 2’s (the good way), but over a longer time frame I think the numbers are up as our instructors have churned out quite a few to add to the group we already have: You, Scott, Wesley, Hubbel, Jim, Chris, Shawn; plus there’s Kharma, Rich’s A & B, David’s R & O; and I haven’t given up on Steve Hengen and John Codd (please let me know who I missed). ?
Alek and I met on the training hill during lessons and have encouraged each other along the way.? That really helps. If anyone doesn’t know how to access the CHGPA membership roster for contact info, please e-mail me offline. ?Also, feel free to call me on my cell 301.275.6584 if you ever need help getting an observer. Let’s all continue to help each other and have a great time!
Now the important part:
As Paul just wrote, after your 25 mile flight from Quest to Wallaby, there can be no doubt you’ve earned it.

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Perpetual H2 Checking In

Post by drice21037 »

I think I might be the David R. If not, I'm the other David R.

I just pulled out my USHGA card and it says I got my H2 from George Reeves way
back on 5/31/1990. It was shortly before he left NC for California. I told
him I was getting married in the fall and he said "NOOOO, get your III first!
If you don't you never will!"

Well here we are almost 15 years later. I'm still happily married to the same
person and I'm still a II. But I am still flying, infrequently maybe but I'm
still in the game. Someday I'll prove wrong the 'never' part of George's

BTW, my 11 year old daughter got her ham license last fall. She's excited to
come out and talk to me/us on the radio while I'm/we're in the air. In a few
years she'll be a ham licensed driver. Maybe that's when I'll get back to the


Quoting "Broxterman.Daniel" <Daniel.Broxterman@suntrust.com>:

> We're now down two 2's (the good way), but over a longer time frame I
> think the numbers are up as our instructors have churned out quite a few to
> add to the group we already have: You, Scott, Wesley, Hubbel, Jim, Chris,
> Shawn; plus there's Kharma, Rich's A & B, David's R & O; and I haven't given
> up on Steve Hengen and John Codd (please let me know who I missed). ?

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counting 2's

Post by breezyk1d »

[quoting DB] "we already have: You, Scott, Wesley, Hubbel, Jim, Chris, Shawn; plus there?s Kharma, Rich?s A & B, David?s R & O; and I haven?t given up on Steve Hengen and John Codd (please let me know who I missed)"

All those folks, eh? How come they are not on the "2's who's got an observer this weekend" email list, eh?

I guess I know most people by sight, and not rating. I appreciate you mentioning everybody. I feel that there is merit in combining our contact -ability, so we can share observers and maximize our chances of getting in some air time.

Dan, who currently holds the email contact list and phone number contact list of 2's (those who wish to be on the list?)

Can we ask that any of the H2's add in their email and contact number so we can easily share info on who will be flying and who has found an observer? I'm willing to maintain the list (I should be a 2 for some time!)

-Linda B email: lbaskerville@wba-arch.com cell 703-303-8652
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High Rock afternoon (Tue)

Post by hang_pilot »

Responding off-list. ~Daniel

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High Rock afternoon (Tue)

Post by hang_pilot »

Two other 2’s I left off:
Ken Swingle and George Tutor.? I’m sure more…. Just remembered them.? ~D

-----Original Message-----
From: breezyk1d [mailto:lbaskerville@wba-arch.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 5:29 PM
To: hg_forum@chgpa.org
Subject: High Rock afternoon (Tue)
[quoting DB] "we already have: You, Scott, Wesley, Hubbel, Jim, Chris, Shawn; plus there’s Kharma, Rich’s A & B, David’s R & O; and I haven’t given up on Steve Hengen and John Codd (please let me know who I missed)"

All those folks, eh? How come they are not on the "2's who's got an observer this weekend" email list, eh?

I guess I know most people by sight, and not rating. I appreciate you mentioning everybody. I feel that there is merit in combining our contact -ability, so we can share observers and maximize our chances of getting in some air time.

Dan, who currently holds the email contact list and phone number contact list of 2's (those who wish to be on the list?)

Can we ask that any of the H2's add in their email and contact number so we can easily share info on who will be flying and who has found an observer? I'm willing to maintain the list (I should be a 2 for some time!)

-Linda B email: lbaskerville@wba-arch.com (lbaskerville@wba-arch.com) cell 703-303-8652

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Re: Sharing time together

Post by Spark »

FYI - This is not intended to disrespect Linda or any other H2 folk - I just wanted to provide an 'observer' perspective to this thread.

[quote="breezyk1d: ...
I feel that there is merit in combining our contact -ability, so we can share observers and maximize our chances of getting in some air time.
Can we ask that any of the H2's add in their email and contact number so we can easily share info on who will be flying and who has found an observer? I'm willing to maintain the list (I should be a 2 for some time!)

Very good idea .... I like the idea of being organized and efficient ... So I am suggesting that the H2s show up earlier, shuttle cars to the LZ, walk the LZ, yada yada ,... so that the Observers can maximize their chances of getting some airtime.

:) :)
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High Rock afternoon (Tue)

Post by hang_pilot »

Info on the “Care and Feeding of Observers” is here: http://www.chgpa.org/Education/h2.guide.html
P.S.? John and Rich – suggest you direct your new II’s to this page.? I’ll mail you some hard copies.

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Lauren Tjaden
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High Rock afternoon (Tue)

Post by Lauren Tjaden »

alek <beynenson@yahoo.com> wrote:

I'll start with the last part first - Steve signed off on my H3!

Damn good, Sky Stallion!!! It is about time you got the rating you so richly deserve.
We will see you VERY soon.

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High Rock afternoon (Tue)

Post by obryandavid »

Dave O here,

I am planning on getting back into flying this summer (late summer). ?My H-2 status is ceremonial only. ?I’m starting over at the training hill and Highland until I get enough time in to go back to the mountain sites. ?See you all soon I hope! ?:-)


Dave O’Bryan

On 5/18/05 10:51 AM, "Broxterman.Daniel" <Daniel.Broxterman@suntrust.com> wrote:
Linda wrote: Our H2 ("who's got an observer lined up?") numbers are dwindling... ??
[DB] We’re now down two 2’s (the good way), but over a longer time frame I think the numbers are up as our instructors have churned out quite a few to add to the group we already have: You, Scott, Wesley, Hubbel, Jim, Chris, Shawn; plus there’s Kharma, Rich’s A & B, David’s R & O; and I haven’t given up on Steve Hengen and John Codd (please let me know who I missed). ? ?
Alek and I met on the training hill during lessons and have encouraged each other along the way.? That really helps. If anyone doesn’t know how to access the CHGPA membership roster for contact info, please e-mail me offline. ?Also, feel free to call me on my cell 301.275.6584 if you ever need help getting an observer. Let’s all continue to help each other and have a great time! ?
Now the important part: ?
As Paul just wrote, after your 25 mile flight from Quest to Wallaby, there can be no doubt you’ve earned it. ?
Daniel? ??
? ?

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High Rock afternoon (Tue)

Post by mcelrah »

Woohoo! Big congrats, man! For a dying sport/club, we sure seem to be
getting a lot of new ratings... - Hugh

On 18 May 2005, at 01:38, alek wrote:

> I'll start with the last part first - Steve signed off on my H3! Thank
> you! Huge thanks to the instructors, observers and everyone else that
> have mentored me.
> And now back to the beginning... It was overcast on the drive up, but
> the sun started to poke through once we got to HR. I launched around
> 1:30pm and started sinking out after a few passes, but found a thermal
> on my way to LZ and eventually got up to 1800 over launch. Steve
> finished setting up and launched just as the lift started letting up
> and within 10-15 min we were both on the ground. Then enjoyed a hike
> back up to get our cars.
> Alek
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Perpetual H2 Checking In

Post by mcelrah »

Dave - Come on out! Maybe towing will suit your family life better.
Good place for kids to hang out. You can fly on a schedule better. -

On 18 May 2005, at 13:25, drice@toad.net wrote:

> I think I might be the David R. If not, I'm the other David R.
> I just pulled out my USHGA card and it says I got my H2 from George
> Reeves way
> back on 5/31/1990. It was shortly before he left NC for California. I
> told
> him I was getting married in the fall and he said "NOOOO, get your III
> first!
> If you don't you never will!"
> Well here we are almost 15 years later. I'm still happily married to
> the same
> person and I'm still a II. But I am still flying, infrequently maybe
> but I'm
> still in the game. Someday I'll prove wrong the 'never' part of
> George's
> prophesy.
> BTW, my 11 year old daughter got her ham license last fall. She's
> excited to
> come out and talk to me/us on the radio while I'm/we're in the air.
> In a few
> years she'll be a ham licensed driver. Maybe that's when I'll get
> back to the
> mountains.
> Dave
> Quoting "Broxterman.Daniel" <Daniel.Broxterman@suntrust.com>:
>> We're now down two 2's (the good way), but over a longer time frame I
>> think the numbers are up as our instructors have churned out quite a
>> few to
>> add to the group we already have: You, Scott, Wesley, Hubbel, Jim,
>> Chris,
>> Shawn; plus there's Kharma, Rich's A & B, David's R & O; and I
>> haven't given
>> up on Steve Hengen and John Codd (please let me know who I missed). ?
> ___________________________________________________________
> This mail sent using ToadMail -- Web based e-mail @ ToadNet
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High Rock afternoon (Tue)

Post by brianvh »

A request from some of us primitives out there:

If you have the option, I'd like to request not sending mail via html.
Below is the kind of thing I (and perhaps others) get when that's done.
Clean html is okay, but many automatic programs just shovel stuff in
that's not needed.

Brian Vant-Hull

On Wed, 18 May 2005, Lauren Tjaden wrote:

> alek <beynenson@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Quote:
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> I'll start with the last part first - Steve signed off on my H3!
> Damn good, Sky Stallion!!! It is about time you got the rating you so ric=
hly deserve.
> We will see you VERY soon.
> Lauren
> (end of quote)
> =09=09Discover Yahoo!
> Use Yahoo! to plan a weekend, have fun online & more. Check it out! (h=
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High Rock afternoon (Tue)

Post by hang_pilot »

Dave O here,

I am planning on getting back into flying this summer (late summer). ?My H-2 status is ceremonial only. ?I’m starting over at the training hill and Highland until I get enough time in to go back to the mountain sites. ?See you all soon I hope! ?Image

>>>Daniel B here, post up here whenever you want to go the t-hill.? It’s usually not difficult to get company.? Hope to see you soon! ???

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