Ethiopean night

For non-flying fun with pilots, friends, and family.
Ski trips, Ethiopean-nights, movies, biking, climbing... All that fun stuff you can't do in the sky.

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Ethiopean night

Post by pink_albatross »

Marc Fink is coming to town and we are having the traditional Ethiopean get together at the Dukem's (U-street and 12th - the U-street corridor in Washington, DC) tonight ( = Wednesday after the election) at 7:00 pm.

This is arguably the best place on the East Coast (some say the USA) to have Ethiopean food.
We might also follow up with a visit to the Belgian beer place up the road (in staggerable distance) to celebrate. You know Marc's political stance, so I'm sure know what's celebrated. :-)

Best way to get there is by metro. The stop is U-street/Cordoza.

See you there!
-- ellis
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