Ridgely impressions...

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Ridgely impressions...

Post by rs54263 »

>> I wouldn't be caught anywhere near the bridge during traffic
though---that's certifiably insane.)

Bear in mind that they are doing construction on the bridge right now,
which is NOT a normal condition. For those of us who live in the DC
area, I-95 between Springfield and Richmond is just as bad (if not

Also, you describe MFP as "bucolic"; as an AT pilot, when I want to
fly, I want to fly now. At Highland there is never any shortage of
professional ground crew to help you get in to a cart, double check
your gear, and help you out on to the flight line. Also, since they
tow from the middle of the runway, they can take off in either

In my experiences at MFP, you're pretty much on your own; and heaven
forbid that the wind be blowing in the wrong direction! I've had to
push my own cart all the way down to the other end of the runway (about
a mile) in order to fly!

Thanks, but I like my Ridgely Bubble just fine.

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Post by stevek »

Sure is great to hear from that old scumbag Mike!
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Ridgely impressions...

Post by brianvh »

Scott wasn't attempting to attack Ridgely, no matter what the impression
may have been. Are you attempting to attack Manquin? Be bucolic...
...both places are great.

Brian Vant-Hull

On Mon, 16 May 2005, Ralph Sickinger (R2) wrote:

> >> I wouldn't be caught anywhere near the bridge during traffic
> though---that's certifiably insane.)
> Bear in mind that they are doing construction on the bridge right now,
> which is NOT a normal condition. For those of us who live in the DC
> area, I-95 between Springfield and Richmond is just as bad (if not
> worse).
> Also, you describe MFP as "bucolic"; as an AT pilot, when I want to
> fly, I want to fly now. At Highland there is never any shortage of
> professional ground crew to help you get in to a cart, double check
> your gear, and help you out on to the flight line. Also, since they
> tow from the middle of the runway, they can take off in either
> direction.
> In my experiences at MFP, you're pretty much on your own; and heaven
> forbid that the wind be blowing in the wrong direction! I've had to
> push my own cart all the way down to the other end of the runway (about
> a mile) in order to fly!
> Thanks, but I like my Ridgely Bubble just fine.
> ~Ralph
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Ridgely impressions...

Post by hang_pilot »

Hi, Scott (all) -
Here’s my take on your post.
You wrote, “contrasts in flying styles were immediately evident when Adam towed someone aloft in a single-surface glider”
>>>This was incorrect, as you now know Adam was flying the glider not the tug.? In addition, did you really observe enough pilots in the air to say there is a difference between the “flying styles” at the two parks? As an inexperienced pilot without a tow rating, do you have the knowledge to make such distinctions??
You wrote, “Steve Wendt would NEVER allow anyone who did that at Blue Sky to fly there again”
>>>That’s a strong statement; do you know that to be true or are you assuming??
These two statements get to the heart, in my opinion, of why your posts sometimes create a stir:? as an inexperienced pilot you make strong statements on subjects about which you do not have sufficient knowledge to speak so authoritatively.? ?
I’m happy to read that you are again making progress as a pilot.? I’m also thankful for the business tasks you take on for CHGPA.? I don’t want you to “shut-up” but would suggest, as a friend, that you consider in advance how your posts will be received by people who know a lot more about free-flight than do the two of us.

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Paul Tjaden
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Ridgely impressions...

Post by Paul Tjaden »

In a message dated 5/16/2005 10:02:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, in_a_cloud@hotmail.com writes:
I always thought "sleazy" meant to describe a place where loose chicks tended to hang out.

Right. So what is your point???? I wasn't even THERE that day. :))
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Ridgely impressions...

Post by rs54263 »

>> I wouldn't be caught anywhere near the bridge during traffic
though---that's certifiably insane.)

Bear in mind that they are doing construction on the bridge right now,
which is NOT a normal condition. For those of us who live in the DC
area, I-95 between Springfield and Richmond is just as bad (if not

Also, you describe MFP as "bucolic"; as an AT pilot, when I want to
fly, I want to fly now. At Highland there is never any shortage of
professional ground crew to help you get in to a cart, double check
your gear, and help you out on to the flight line. Also, since they
tow from the middle of the runway, they can take off in either

In my experiences at MFP, you're pretty much on your own; and heaven
forbid that the wind be blowing in the wrong direction! I've had to
push my own cart all the way down to the other end of the runway (about
a mile) in order to fly!

Thanks, but I like my Ridgely Bubble just fine.

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