OZ REport--Davis strikes again

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Flying Lobster
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OZ REport--Davis strikes again

Post by Flying Lobster »

Some of you may read the Oz Report and notice that Davis has decided to bask in his self-annoited glory over a report of Terry Spencer's death.

Why he has decided to do this is a complete mystery to me--besides being incredibly insensitive. But then, Davis is famous for that. Because Terry was a good flying friend to many of us in the local community, I feel it is my duty to let you know the truth of the situation.

Davis claims that Terry's friends criticized him at the time, and that he is now vindicated by Joe Gregor's report. What REALLY happened was on the day of the accident Davis reported--within hours--a short one or two line statement in the OZ REport with something to the effect "...a pilot had a serious accident when he spiraled down into the ground. Why do pilots do that?" It was that second part of his message that set me off, Joe Josepheson, and others, as it seemed to imply that Terry was somehow an incompetant pilot. The next morning at the task committee meeting i made my way into Davis's trailer and confronted him for his comments without knowing the facts of the accident. Within 24 hours the text of the message was changed to what Davis now links to the article mentioned in today's OzReport.

Great Googly-moo!
Paul Tjaden
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OZ REport--Davis strikes again

Post by Paul Tjaden »

In a message dated 5/16/2005 10:44:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, in_a_cloud@hotmail.com writes:
Some of you may read the Oz Report and notice that Davis has decided to bask in his self-annoited glory over a report of Terry Spencer's death.

Why he has decided to do this is a complete mystery to me--besides being incredibly insensitive. But then, Davis is famous for that.

Davis is?currently writing an article or several articles regarding "personal responsibility". This was unfortunately brought?to the fore front of our attention by the recent death of Chris Muller and I believe that Davis feels that Terry's accident was a further example of the same "personal responsibility"?issue. Perhaps Davis could have explained this more carefully?so that readers might know why he suddenly decided to rehash this very unpleasant part of our lives.
I recently discussed with Davis some problems that Terry had with spatial disorientation that may have contributed to Terry's accident. I believe that some of this may be included in?future OZ Report articles. The things that I discussed with Davis were shared with me by Terry himself less than two weeks prior to his death. I don't believe that Davis is trying to absolve anyone else who may have been a part of the "whole story" but instead he wants to point out that we all make life and death decisions when we fly and we are ultimately responsible for the results.
Some believe that a potential collision with a tow plane caused Terry's accident. This may be true. I wasn't there. But Terry was flying with a physical problem that he was aware of and also may have contributed to the accident.
Should Terry have been flying?? He lived to soar with the Eagles (and the vultures) above the Shenandoah. Should he have been flying at one of the largest and busiest competitions in the world? It was his desire to test himself against his peers and to stretch his wings in a larger sky. Did his issue with spatial disorientation cause or contribute to this accident? No one knows but Terry and he can't tell us.
In the past few weeks I have come to know Davis much better and have found him to be a?decent guy. I also believe that he could sometimes be more sensitive to how his reports will be received, especially by those who knew and loved the ones being discussed.
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OZ REport--Davis strikes again

Post by heaviek »

Be careful.? Davis is indeed a good guy, but one who manages to piss off and offend people very easily.? He is too smart for some words or actions to be an accident.
Kev C

From: Tjadenhors@aol.com [mailto:Tjadenhors@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:17 AM
To: hg_forum@chgpa.org
Subject: Re: OZ REport--Davis strikes again

In the past few weeks I have come to know Davis much better and have found him to be a?decent guy. I also believe that he could sometimes be more sensitive to how his reports will be received, especially by those who knew and loved the ones being discussed.
Posts: 2323
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OZ REport--Davis strikes again

Post by mcelrah »

Clearly Terry had a lot to live for, but quality of life is not
measured only in the number of years lived. - Hugh

On 17 May 2005, at 09:16, Tjadenhors@aol.com wrote:

> Should Terry have been flying?? He lived to soar with the Eagles (and
> the vultures) above the Shenandoah. Should he have been flying at one
> of the largest and busiest competitions in the world? It was his
> desire to test himself against his peers and to stretch his wings in a
> larger sky. Did his issue with spatial disorientation cause or
> contribute to this accident? No one knows but Terry and he can't tell
> us.
> ?
> ?
> Paul
Joe Schad
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Oz report

Post by Joe Schad »

Terry was a very competent pilot and one who demonstrated good judgement every time I saw him fly. I still believe the accident could have happened to any of the pilots at the comp given the environment of the operation I witnessed while there.

Joe Schad
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OZ Report

Post by Joe Schad »

Just read the OZ report discussing Terry's Accident. I just deleted it from my favorites file never to be seen again.

Paul Tjaden
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OZ REport--Davis strikes again

Post by Paul Tjaden »

In a message dated 5/17/2005 12:38:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, heaviek@yahoo.com writes:
Be careful.? Davis is indeed a good guy, but one who manages to piss off and offend people very easily.? He is too smart for some words or actions to be an accident.

Yeh, I know. For a guy that seems to be pretty bright, he has really poor social skills. Did you see that he managed to piss off the Swede's regarding the death of the female PG pilot who was learning to hang glide?
Do you think he has other motivation when he puts his foot in his mouth??
p.s. Where are you? We should be in Ridgely by June 1 or 2. IF we can find a place to live.?
Paul Tjaden
Posts: 398
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OZ REport--Davis strikes again

Post by Paul Tjaden »

Huge apologies. This was meant for Kevin only.
Posts: 2323
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OZ REport--Davis strikes again

Post by mcelrah »

I hear that the allocations for temporary agricultural workers' visas
ran out too soon for those who usually pick crab meat on the eastern
shore, so there should be some migrant worker housing available... -

On 18 May 2005, at 10:48, Tjadenhors@aol.com wrote:

> If we can find a place to live.
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