Pulpit today Sunday

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Dan T
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Pulpit today Sunday

Post by Dan T »

It looks promising for a potentially big flight at the Pulpit. Anyone else
interested? Dan T.
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Pulpit today Sunday

Post by Spark »

I plan to arrive between 1pm and 2pm.

(h) 301.766.0485
(c) 301.462.8320


>From: Wuffo1@aol.com
>Reply-To: hg_forum@chgpa.org
>To: hg_forum@chgpa.org
>Subject: Pulpit today Sunday
>Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 06:44:03 -0400
>It looks promising for a potentially big flight at the Pulpit. Anyone else
>interested? Dan T.
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Post by hepcat1989 »

I can be there around noon. Shawn.
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Pulpit today Sunday

Post by mcelrah »

Yes. - Hugh

On 15 May 2005, at 06:44, Wuffo1@aol.com wrote:

> It looks promising for a potentially big flight at the Pulpit. Anyone
> else
> interested? Dan T.
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Post by Matthew »

FYI-- Expanded P-40 expires at 12:10 today (Sunday).

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Pulpit today Sunday

Post by mcelrah »

So are you suggesting a High Rock alternative? - Hugh

On 15 May 2005, at 09:00, Matthew wrote:

> FYI-- Expanded P-40 expires at 12:10 today (Sunday).
> Matthew
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Sunday Flying

Post by Matthew »

Not sure where will end up-- probably the Pulpit. I just posted that info to let people know it's okay to fly to HR from Pulpit after 1210. We're going to the Dulles Expo Center in Chanitlly first today to see Marc Fink's art exhibit at the Sugarloaf Art and Craft Festival and then continuing onto a flying site... probably Pulpit.

Dan T
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Pulpit today Sunday

Post by Dan T »

Three pilots flew the Pulpit today. Bacil early, then John Dullihan, and
finally me.

Bacil caught the best of the sunshine and managed to achieve the highest
elevation gain of approximately 2000 feet out over the LZ. John might have had
the longest flight but I never saw him get terribly high. Mine was 25 minutes
or so and I was first to the primary followed by Bacil and John. By 4:00 the
sky had pretty much decked over, shutting down any realistic hopes of an XC.

None-the-less it beats staying home and mowing the lawn.

Dan T.
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Pulpit today Sunday

Post by XCanytime »

???? Took an alternate route to the Pulpit via some back roads south of The Corner.? Passed Sparky and Jim Hodges in the primary LZ.? Sky full of nice cumies, with a noticable NNW/SSE drift.? Got to launch around 11:45A.? Very north cross on the ramps.? I hate the Pulpit in a north cross.? Very difficult conditions.? Would rather had been at a NNW-facing mountain in PA, that's for sure.? Anyway, Spark, Jim H., John, Dan, Carlos, Gary Smith, Daniel B., and Shawn showed up in the next 2 hours.? Around 2P noticed a good 10 minutes of some straight in cycles and decided it was time.? The sky was getting filled up.? Launched in a good cycle and got over the ridge quickly.? Way north on the ridge.? Very much the same flight as Marc had the day before.? Strong lift, but you had to swim like a fish upstream to stay in it.? Turn and you would get dumped out of the lift into a high groundspeed downwind run.? Found some good lift out over 16 and got to 4K' MSL.? Tried to go downwind but lost a bunch before I even got back to the ridge.? Found some more good lift out over the secondary LZ to 4300' MSL.? Once again, tried to go downwind, and the same daggone thing happened.? Lost a bunch before the ridge.? Didn't feel comfortable going diagonally across the 2 ridges without hitting the first one in a climb with at least 2K' over.? By this time John and Dan had joined me in the air.? It shut down, and the 3 of us struggled in the turbulent north cross chop near ridgetop level.? Dan landed first, I landed right behind him, and John struggled for another half hour before succumbing to gravity.? Carlos retrieved Dan and I.? Thanks Carlos. The rest of the crew, save for Gary, bailed for High Rock.? Back at launch, Gary and Carlos were still set up, but a very dark sky existed to the west.? While I retrieved John, Gary and Carlos broke down due to the dark sky.? But when John and I got back to launch, the sky had lightened some, and darn if it wasn't blowing straight in at 5P!? Gary was still soaring his Zagi in the straight-in conditions.? We stuck around for a few minutes observing the conditions, then hit the road.? Another great adventure at the Pulpit in a north cross.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Bacil
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Kirchner's/High Rock

Post by Matthew »

Got to Kirchner's at 11:000am. It was mostly crossing out of the NE...AND STRONG! We went over to the shallow North facing hill. Karen had a few flights on her HG in light cycles before switching to the PG. I took a flight on her HG too.

Sparky showed up and did a little kiting. John M. showed up later with a bunch of students while Karen took a couple of flights in her PG. The winds had straightened out and lightened up.

We bailed to the Pulpit where it was overcast with lots of dark, scary clouds. We got rained on during the drive over. Hung out for a while and bailed to High Rock. Flew my Hg. Boat boat boated on the ridge for 1:15, never getting more than 500 over. Jim H. and Rich B. joined me after 40 minutes and had good soaring flights.

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