Paragliding Training Wanted

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Paragliding Training Wanted

Post by Bunkhouse »


The message below is copied from an email sent to the MHGA. Can anyone help this aspiring PG student?

I am extremely interested in taking up paragliding. I have been an avid skier for 20 plus years and have travelled the world to do so. Paragliding would be an awesome addition to my life. I did one tandem flight in Maui with Dexter and fell in love. I really want to get certified with my girlfriend (who also has one tandem flight) and do so soon. We are going to Hyner View this weekend in hope of learning more about it.

Please get back to me at your convenience with some ideas as to how to get this new dream of mine rolling!


Take care,

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Re: Paragliding Training Wanted

Post by Matthew »

I emailed him.

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