Davis kicks my butt

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Paul Tjaden
Posts: 398
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:28 pm

Davis kicks my butt

Post by Paul Tjaden »

After several days of lying around the house due to a nasty virus, I finally felt like I might live today and ventured forth to Quest for some flying. The weather and soaring continues to be pretty damn good and I told Davis that I was after his 50 km world record. He wasn't going to fly today but I think the thought that I might actually beat his record changed his mind and he launched shortly after me. To keep it brief, conditions started off weak but improved throughout the flight. I saw a solid 850' up for an extended time on one of my last thermals but I'd lost too much time earlier in the flight and fell short of the necessary speed. Davis came within a couple of minutes of beating his old record and trounced me by 9 minutes. He did this mostly by out climbing me, especially in the weaker earlier lift. Guess I've still got a bit to learn. Still a very fun day and tomorrow looks even better.

Lauren is still suffering from a cold and can't fly. Needless to say, I'm hearing a bunch of whining from the SB/SG.

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