550 Tons of Uranium in Iraq

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Marco Zee
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550 Tons of Uranium in Iraq

Post by Marco Zee »

I guess Joe Wilson was right.....Saddam only had a mere pittance of 550 metric TONS of Uranium/yellowcake in Iraq, now being shipped to Canada.

Probably there just to make what?........jewelry....ornaments for Saddam's mansions?

I am just so tired of GWB lying about all those WMD's in Iraq. :lol:

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Re: 550 Tons of Uranium in Iraq

Post by brianvh »

We missed you, Marco! A big welcome back!

The only story I could find so far is below, from a completely random, unverifiable source. It's really interesting....


It has now been confirmed that Iraq has indeed received massive shipments of uranium, as alleged by the United States, and as previously only supported by forged documents. According to reports, up to 2,000 tons have been delivered, and this number does not even include the at least 230 tons delivered as early as 1991.

This revelation is all the more interesting when you consider the unlikely source for these huge shipments, none other than the United States military itself. Delivery has taken place using millions of depleted uranium shells that were used against Iraqi targets.

Depleted uranium, or simply "DU," is a by-product of the uranium enrichment process, where uranium is prepared for usage in nuclear reactors or atomic bombs. In depleted uranium, the amount of the fissile isotope, U-235, is reduced in comparison to natural uranium. There is no difference in chemical properties between natural uranium, enriched uranium and depleted uranium. All are mildly radioactive.

Depleted uranium has three properties that make it very attractive for military use. First, uranium has a high density of 19.07 grams per cubic centimeter, twice the density of lead. This means that a uranium projectile of the same mass is only half as large as a lead projetile, concentrating the kinetic energy upon impact on a smaller area, allowing uranium shells to better penetrate the enemy's armor. The second property is its flammability. Like very fine iron dust, uranium can spontaneously ignite and then burn at high temperatures of above 6,000 degrees celsius. And the third welcome property is that DU is dirt cheap, as it is essentially a waste material from the production of enriched uranium with little civilian use other than counterweights.
Brian Vant-Hull
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Re: 550 Tons of Uranium in Iraq

Post by brianvh »

A story from usa today. I have to say I am surprised this was never brought up before. Iraq did have thousands of tons of mildly enriched uranium.

http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq ... nium_x.htm
Brian Vant-Hull
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Re: 550 Tons of Uranium in Iraq

Post by dbodner »


Your article and this one http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5gUzC ... QD91O4NJ82 both state that the materials were old and had been under IAEA control since 1992. One can't honestly cite this as evidence supporting claims of an active nuclear program.

If this had been stuff we didn't know about, the White House should've crowed about it. Maybe they need a new press officer. I hear Scott McClellan's looking for a job.
David Bodner
Flying Lobster
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Administration Right After All

Post by Flying Lobster »

Because I spent many years working for the Fed--and still have contacts with military sources, I was able to find out on my own that maybe the Bush administration was right after all.

According to White House information that has been leaked to independently authoratative intellects known to be in the know--Saddam was in fact very far down the path of development of an offensive nuclear weapons delivery program. Here's the latest intel from the Bush administration:

A recently uncovered underground bunker--which bore a striking resemblance to the Universal studio that burned down in the US--revealed that Saddam had covertly developed the world's first SSSBN--or strategic nuclear ballistic missile sand submarine. The "Allah Swoosheri-Hoopa" --which roughly translates to "God's Slam Dunk"--is the first known naval vessel designed to submerge and prowl the world's sand desserts. Apparently, Saddam was inspired by the movie "Dune" and empathized with the baron with whom he bore a striking resemblance to.

Development of ther sand submarine was set back upon the outset of Dessert Storm, so the sand worm-drive had not yet been perfected and initial dessert sand-trials were not possible. However, documents suggest that Saddam was fully prepared to deploy the weapon anyway as plans were formalized to put the ASH on logs and have a thousand Kurd and Shia prisoners tow the vessel by ropes across the vast desserts in the Mideast.

The ASH's nuclear propulsion system was powered by the yellowcake fuel mentioned above. Secret negotiations between Saddam's agents in the US reveal that they had also secured shipments of thousands of tons of additional chockalate and strawberry cake from Betty Crocker's in the US. When Iraqi scientists informed Saddam that it was not possible to produce a fusion or fission reaction from eggs and cake mix batter, Saddam ordered them to perfect the "Mr Fusion" reactor as seen in "Back to the Future" and then had them publicly hanged.

Great Googly-moo!
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