Highland Monday

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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John Simon
Posts: 300
Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:33 pm

Highland Monday

Post by John Simon »

Pretty stinkin' awesome day at Ridgley today.? Saw Steve K and Danny B. and few others and even Sunny and Adam flew it was so darn tootin' up there.??I think we had?a bit of seabreeze convergence going as there was lift all over the place around Ridgely.? I didn't go more than?5-6 miles?from the field but everywhere I went it was going up.? Had the best sustained thermal of my H2-dom...? a 850 or so?on the averager for quite a?while.? Got me up to 5500 and I could have?gone higher but a bit cold and wanted to complete a little Box pattern?"cross country" north of?the field.? It was a bit choppy?in some of the thermals, especially down low but later and higher it really was nice and you could lock right in and take the ride.? Soared with a turkey vulture 30 feet behind me?in a thermal like my shadow for a while, great views of?the Chesapeake and?all the way to the Delaware Bay as well.??Got low (1900'!! )?only two or three times and then beamed right back up to 4500-5000 ?on numerous occasions.? It was really one of the best days I've seen out there.? Mostly blue lift with some?tiny puffies and lots of haze domes.? Lot's of birds as well to help out.?
?I flew alone?on my "task" well to the north, into the wind?and often out of glide range which is a first for me.???On the way back I got into the big convergence lift band and was gliding for long periods over 30-35 mph and climbing at 100-300 fpm.? It was silly just to the north east of the field, lift everywhere.? I had to do wingovers for 10 minutes to get down and then a tight pattern into the sock field for a calm air runner.? I was exhausted.? 2?hours 25?minutes?and it could have been longer with ease.? Gorgeous visibility and tons of lift... great time out there today and a couple firsts for me (an 17.3 mile box pattern "XC task" and made it back to the field!).
? Heather was there pretty soon after and got setup to do a few afternoon solos and work on her pattern but the wind went from light N or NW to calm (when?I landed) to light to mod out of the east...? the seabreeze blew in and blew Heather and the tandems out.? It served me well but didn't help out the late afternoon folks at all.?? Bummer.? Still a beautiful day out there and much fun.? Can't wait until next week...
John Simon
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Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:30 pm

Highland Monday

Post by mcelrah »

Seems to me you went through a period of re-evaluating your continued
participation in the sport awhile back (apologize if I've got the wrong
guy...). Glad to see you resolved in favor. Days like this sure make
it worthwhile... - Hugh

On 9 May 2005, at 22:46, John wrote:

> Pretty stinkin' awesome day at Ridgley today.? ?
> ?
Paul Tjaden
Posts: 398
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Highland Monday

Post by Paul Tjaden »

Just logged in to the forum and typed a fairly lengthy post congratulating John on his XC and talking about how Davis Straub tried for his speed record around a 101 km course again on Sunday (this time he did it making it home in 2:16 about twenty minutes faster than my time).
?This is the third time I have logged in and typed posts only to have them disappear into cyberspace. VERY FRUSTRATING!!! So what's going on with the Forum. Has anyone else had this problem?
John Simon
Posts: 300
Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:33 pm

Highland Monday

Post by John Simon »

Hi Hugh,
not sure if that was me... I think probably not? I've been flying as
steadily as my schedule allows and enjoying every minute. I haven't
been out to the Mountains in a while due to about 1 month spent in Texas
and work and also because my fianc? is doing her solo's out at Highland
and when it's flyable we head that way. She's not foot launching yet.
Hope to be back out there soon though.

Take care

-----Original Message-----
From: mcelrah@verizon.net [mailto:mcelrah@verizon.net]
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:46 AM
To: hg_forum@chgpa.org
Subject: Re: Highland Monday

Seems to me you went through a period of re-evaluating your
participation in the sport awhile back (apologize if I've got the wrong
guy...). Glad to see you resolved in favor. Days like this sure make
it worthwhile... - Hugh

On 9 May 2005, at 22:46, John wrote:

> Pretty stinkin' awesome day at Ridgley today.
> ?
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Highland Monday

Post by TQ »

I/ve not had that problem in this forum, but I have had it in others.? It has happened often enough that I make sure to copy the post into the PC/s paste buffer before sending it.? That way, if the forum application chokes, I can still paste the post into a text file so all/s not lost.
<![if !supportEmptyParas]>?<![endif]>
-----Original Message-----
From: Tjadenhors@aol.com [mailto:Tjadenhors@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 09:36 a.m.
To: hg_forum@chgpa.org
Subject: Re: Highland Monday
<![if !supportEmptyParas]>?<![endif]>
Just logged in to the forum and typed a fairly lengthy post congratulating John on his XC and talking about how Davis Straub tried for his speed record around a 101 km course again on Sunday (this time he did it making it home in 2:16 about twenty minutes faster than my time).
?This is the third time I have logged in and typed posts only to have them disappear into cyberspace. VERY FRUSTRATING!!! So what's going on with the Forum. Has anyone else had this problem?

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Ridgely Guy

Post by Matthew »


It was Paul Adamez, not Johm Simon, who posted that he had concerns about future flying. They are two separate people. Sure, it may be easy to just think of any weekday and regular fliers at Ridgely as one person, AKA The Ridgely Guy. But there are numerous pilots who fly Ridgely as their primary flying site.

But then again, it may just be easier to use your system. Hence, when Jim Rooney comes back. He's The Ridgely Guy. Same goes for Paul Tjaden-- Ridgely Guy. Lauren. Hmmm. No. Not The Ridgely Guy.

She'll alway be SB to me :)

Or perhaps Super Sky Goddess SB.

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