Landing Clinic... take 2

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Landing Clinic... take 2

Post by jimrooney »

Friday May 30th
Same clinic... mastering flaring.

I will be posting future dates here and hope to have various clinics throughout the summer.

Scooter towing is a wonderful tool and I'm extremely happy to have it here at Highland. It allows you to make massive gains in your landing skills in a very short period of time and in a very safe and comfortable manner. And it's just plain fun.

So, a couple hours. $120. We supply the equipment (glider, harness, everything), but you are welcome to bring your own if you like. I do suggest your own helmet if you have one. Jeans and sneakers are mandatory. The focus again will be the last 15ft before touchdown with a few different landing styles. By the end, you should feel very confident in your landing skills and being able to know when to flare, how to flare and being able to "make the glider stop you". My program progresses you slowly towards this goal as I am not a believer in "get it right or whack".

As always, feel free to pester me with questions.
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Re: Landing Clinic... take 2

Post by KathyC »


Very interested. Do you have a general time window? You mentioned there will be various clinics which I'm assuming for different skills...can you advise if there will be additional clinics focusing on landings? Thanks. Kathy C.
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Re: Landing Clinic... take 2

Post by jimrooney »

Let's say after 5pm and before sunset.
That gives us calm air (hopefully) and shouldn't muck with people's schedules too much. (I'm guessing about the schedule thing of course)

Will there be additional clinics focusing on landing?
Yes. Absolutely.

Which aspects of landing did you have in mind?
The next one I was thinking of was "footlanding" for those new to footlanding in general.
There are a lot of possibilities available to us :)

I can also set up individual instruction.
We're still working out how to fit this into our scheduling. For now, I can work with people on weekdays. I just ask that you setup an appointment as I'm the only one running things for now and I have other teaching obligations.

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Re: Landing Clinic... take 2

Post by KathyC »

Great. Regarding what type of landings I had in mind... I'd say the flare timing clinic is up my ally. Not sure what you were thinking for the "footlandings", but in reality, any type of landing clinic would surely help me as I have consistency issues... :cry: I wanted to make sure that if I couldn't make the 30th (doesn't look like I can) that there would be additional opportunities. Thanks for putting some of these together and I'll be sure to set up an appointment. Thanks! Kathy C.
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Re: Landing Clinic... take 2

Post by jimrooney »

Footlanding will be for people beginning to land on their feet. It starts a bit further back in the training process. Flare timing is aimed at people wishing to polish things up a bit.

I'm sure we'll be able to find some time that works :)
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Re: Landing Clinic... take 2

Post by jimrooney »

We're going to have to reschedule.
With so many people coming to the comp this year, we're going to be lacking fields to work with (they'll be filled with tents)

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