Scooter Tow Landing Clinic

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Scooter Tow Landing Clinic

Post by jimrooney »

Friday the 16th
Time to be determined. Probably later in the day... doesn't seem to be many early risers in HG.

Our golf-tow system is done so it's time to put it to use. This first clinic is going to be focused on mastering flaring.
It's going to be a few hours of traditional low/slow scooter towing focused on the last 15 feet of landing (as opposed to landing patterns).
We will go through a few different landing styles that build on each other. These begin with Greblo's running flare and progress to full-stop full-flare landings.
In contrast to what you may have seen elsewhere, this will not be an exercise in "get it right or whack".

We will start on our Falcons and Sport 2s (although you're welcome to bring your own SS and Novice DS). The reason for this is that progressive learning again. It is far easier and safer to go through this process on a lower performance glider. I'm not a believer in "get it right or whack". Starting on a higher performance glider is asking to fail. You may be surprised to learn how informative mastering landings on lower performing gliders can actually be... not pulling them off... mastering them.

If time and skill allows, we can get into higher performing gliders. The ticket to the land of higher performance will be perfect skills on lower performance though (I have no interest in selling aluminum). All higher performance gliders will be dolly launched. Lower performance ones will be footlaunched.
The cost for this clinic will be $120.
Class size is limited to five pilots.
You can contact anyone at Highland to sign up for this.

I can field questions here.
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Re: Scooter Tow Landing Clinic

Post by toto's_ride »

Doh!!! Won't be able to saw through these chains by Friday, but definately interested. Will you be posting future dates, or is it best to call for more info?
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Re: Scooter Tow Landing Clinic

Post by jimrooney »

Yeah, I figured this would be a bit short notice for most people. Sounds like there's some interest. I'll be posting some further dates for sure. I hope to do a variety of things with the scooter-tow rig also. I just thought that a landing clinic would be a good place to start.

Tentatively, I'm looking at the 30th also. It's the Friday before our competition.
I'm guessing that Fridays or Mondays would work best for people?

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