WS Minimums

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WS Minimums

Post by rancerupp »

I'd like to hear from the more experienced flyers that have been flying WS since before God created dirt. Well, maybe not quite that long...

Assuming that the wind was blowing straight in, what would be about(key word here) the minimum windspeed for WS to be ridge soarable, say in a double surface glider? Be specific in your answers as to windspeed whether you are talking about windspeed at launch or what you saw in the forecasts before you made it out there, or if you are referring to current area readings.

I'm well aware of the WS effect, I'm just trying to improve my WS analysis skills. Thanks.

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WS Minimums

Post by XCanytime »

???? Around 10 MPH straight in (NW) is sufficient to ridge soar WS, due to the steepness of the ridge.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Bacil
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WS Minimums

Post by brianvh »

If you are talking about pure ridge soaring, what Bacil said.

You also have to ask about thermal activity - many times you are "ridge
soaring" in collected thermals. On a good thermal day the wind may be
puffing in about 5 mph, but you still stay up effortlessly so long as you
have the presence of mind to hightail it out of sink. On a magic air
evening the wind at launch may also be close to 5 mph but it's all lifting
air blowing up the slot.

Brian Vant-Hull

On Fri, 6 May 2005, rancerupp wrote:

> I'd like to hear from the more experienced flyers that have been flying WS since before God created dirt. Well, maybe not quite that long...
> Assuming that the wind was blowing straight in, what would be about(key word here) the minimum windspeed for WS to be ridge soarable, say in a double surface glider? Be specific in your answers as to windspeed whether you are talking about windspeed at launch or what you saw in the forecasts before you made it out there, or if you are referring to current area readings.
> I'm well aware of the WS effect, I'm just trying to improve my WS analysis skills. Thanks.
> Rance
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Post by Scott »

Summer vs. winter, also: experienced pilots have told me that 7mph is enough to soar in winter (denser air).

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WS Minimums

Post by heaviek »

Rance, pay as much attention to instability as you are to wind forecasts.? The ridge soarability varies with the relative instability of the airmass.? I’ve ridge soared in 5mph of 80 cross.? ?A ridge with good sun can be very soarable at the right time with very little breeze.? Also pay as much mind to the cloud forecasts.?
Fly the sky.
Kev C

From: rancerupp []
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 8:12 AM
Subject: WS Minimums

I'd like to hear from the more experienced flyers that have been flying WS since before God created dirt. Well, maybe not quite that long...

Assuming that the wind was blowing straight in, what would be about(key word here) the minimum windspeed for WS to be ridge soarable, say in a double surface glider? Be specific in your answers as to windspeed whether you are talking about windspeed at launch or what you saw in the forecasts before you made it out there, or if you are referring to current area readings.

I'm well aware of the WS effect, I'm just trying to improve my WS analysis skills. Thanks.

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Re: WS Minimums

Post by rancerupp »

Kev, Thanks, I've seen Dr.Jacks for tomorrow. I was just wanting to know what the level was for a fallback. I plan on being VERY HIGH tomorrow. :) Hope to see you and others too. Till then...


heaviek wrote: <snip>
pay as much mind to the cloud forecasts.?
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WS Minimums

Post by mcgowantk »

To build on this, the time of day is important.? I have soared Woodstock many times in 5mph winds, but most times this was late in the day.
Tom McGowan
now - where to fly today?

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Rance, pay as much attention to instability as you are to wind forecasts.? The ridge soarability varies with the relative instability of the airmass.? I?ve ridge soared in 5mph of 80 cross.? ?A ridge with good sun can be very soarable at the right time with very little breeze.? Also pay as much mind to the cloud forecasts.?
Fly the sky.
Kev C

From: rancerupp []
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 8:12 AM
To: (
Subject: WS Minimums

I'd like to hear from the more experienced flyers that have been flying WS since before God created dirt. Well, maybe not quite that long...

Assuming that the wind was blowing straight in, what would be about(key word here) the minimum windspeed for WS to be ridge soarable, say in a double surface glider? Be specific in your answers as to windspeed whether you are talking about windspeed at launch or what you saw in the forecasts before you made it out there, or if you are referring to current area readings.

I'm well aware of the WS effect, I'm just trying to improve my WS analysis skills. Thanks.


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