Great day at Woodstock and congrats to L&P

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Great day at Woodstock and congrats to L&P

Post by huddlec »

My launch sounded a lot like Karen's: in a left turn immediately then a quick lift up and out. Wasn't parked though. Found the glider had a left turn and did isometrics for the half hour flight before a crappy landing, not literally, that came later when I stepped in a fresh one before getting in the truck for the ride home. Still, it was good to get some soaring airtime.
And even better, it was great to hear about the success Lauren and Paul had in their latest comp. The winning couple!!!


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Had a clean launch, and a decent landing with about 10 minutes of soaring just before sunset.

Absolutely beautiful day. My loaner kneehangers performed beautifully (thank you!) as did the new primary hang strap that has me lower and in better proximity to the control bar. I practiced the difference between flying minimum sink and best glide (even with the full face helmet you can hear the difference in the wind) and there is the bar pressure difference too.

Thanks to Matthew for observing and Matthew and Gary S. for wire crew, and Gary for the retrieve.

Christy got in a nice flight - she said it had been a while for her but she that she was willing to observe for me also if Matthew had been stranded in the air by too much lift.... <grin>. - Linda B.

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Post by Matthew »

Paul and Lauren. BIG CONGRATS!

Lauren, you know we've always thought of you as being number one in the Sporty Class :)

As to Paul being a top finisher in the Rigid Class, well, who knew???

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