What is the purpose of the 'CHGPA Members' group?

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Moderator: markc

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What is the purpose of the 'CHGPA Members' group?

Post by markc »

As you browse the CHGPA forums, you will notice that the forum names for some people are highlighted with a distinctive color (blue, as of this writing). This indicates that they belong to a special forum group called CHGPA Members .

Forum users who have joined the Capital Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association as association members have been added to this CHGPA Members group, and as a result they have some additional capabilities that are only available to them.

The basic idea is this: Those who support the CHGPA via their dues have a greater right to utilize space, bandwidth, and other resources at this website than registered forum users who are not members. As an example: CHGPA members can attach images to their forum posts, while regular registered users cannot.

This policy isn't meant to be punitive or petty. Forum users who have not joined the CHGPA are very welcome here, and the site has been set up so that the most important functions are always available to them. You can post, reply, PM, search, and more. We want you to use these forums to learn, explore, and communicate.

But those who've taken the extra step and joined the club get a bit more, basically because they have paid for the privilege.

If you find this forum useful and fun, and you want to support the wonderful sports of hang gliding and paragliding in the Mid-Atlantic area, then please consider joining the CHGPA yourself! Visit the CHGPA Join/Renew page for more information about becoming a member.
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