Monday @ Pulpit

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Monday @ Pulpit

Post by Spark »

I left work a few hours early today and headed to Smithsburg to meet Hugh
McElrath, who was working on his PG kiting and launch skills. After Hugh
made a few more flights, we headed to the Pulpit. On the way, I called
Shawn Ray, who had just finished his work day in Chambersburg. It wasn't
difficult to talk him into joining us.

We arrived at about 4pm to perfect STFI winds and headed to the LZ to drop a
car. By the time we returned to launch, cloud shadow covered the area and
winds were 90 degree cross from the N at about 5mph : ( Shawn arrived and
I encouraged him to assemble his wing. Occasionally, a thermal would come
through and the wind would blow straight in at 5-8mph. I was betting that
it would glass off.

Shawn launched first at about 5pm from the new ramp (sans vario) and made it
easily out to the primary LZ, where he worked thermal lift for over 15
minutes, staying nearly at launch level.

Hugh waited patiently and after a few inflation attempts, he made a nice
launch into a straight cycle and headed to the PG LZ (HG secondary).

In the meantime, James Coblenz had arrived. He launched third and I
followed last, managing a few passes in front of launch before heading out
to land. No glass-off ... yet.

After retrieving Shawn from the HG primary, we returned to launch and it was
perfect - straight in at about 12mph. Hugh launched first into the smooth
wind and gained altitude all the way out over route 16. James launched next
and I quickly followed him. James and I were able to stay between 250' and
400' over, flying as long as we wanted. The lift extended nearly out to the
LZ. I flew hands off for a long time, snapping photos. I'll post the
photos in the next day or so.

All in all, a nice afternoon. Congrats to Hugh for his first mountain PG
flights, and to Shawn for the vario-less thermalling.

(h) 301.766.0485
(c) 301.462.8320
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Post by hepcat1989 »

I did not plan on flying after I got off work monday afternoon, but I got a call from Sparky telling me to come on up to the pulpit.Wow , what a beautiful afternoon/evening!The wind was crossing from the north, but could get straight in for a window. I heard Sparky yell that I popped my nose a bit, but all felt good.I turned left down the ridge, and stayed level. I then turned back to launch, but Hugh was in the middle of his pg launch.I turned again towards the primary, which I have yet to land in ,and was getting closer!! The primary is big, and luxurios! I was circling over the plowed field, and was getting beat around. The left wing up, the right wing up , the nose up! I thought I would like to turn in it. So I DID! up, up , up,and kept my eye on ridge level- no vario/ dammit! I had to kind of fight to get down to do my dbf on top of the corn stocks, but landed on my feet! It was FUN!!!!!!! Shawn.
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Post by Spark »

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Monday @ Pulpit

Post by mcelrah »

Congratulations, guy! Great flying with you! - Hugh

P.S. Thanks for the beer and driving!

On 18 Apr 2005, at 21:49, hepcat1989 wrote:

> I did not plan on flying after I got off work monday afternoon, but I
> got a call from Sparky telling me to come on up to the pulpit.Wow ,
> what a beautiful afternoon/evening!The wind was crossing from the
> north, but could get straight in for a window. I heard Sparky yell
> that I popped my nose a bit, but all felt good.I turned left down the
> ridge, and stayed level. I then turned back to launch, but Hugh was in
> the middle of his pg launch.I turned again towards the primary, which
> I have yet to land in ,and was getting closer!! The primary is big,
> and luxurios! I was circling over the plowed field, and was getting
> beat around. The left wing up, the right wing up , the nose up! I
> thought I would like to turn in it. So I DID! up, up , up,and kept my
> eye on ridge level- no vario/ dammit! I had to kind of fight to get
> down to do my dbf on top of the corn stocks, but landed on my feet! It
> was FUN!!!!!!! Shawn.
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Post by hepcat1989 »

Not a problem Hugh. Way to go on your pg mountain flights. Man that's a whole other creature- those pg's,but kind of the same huh? Shawn.
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Monday @ Pulpit

Post by mcelrah »

Yeah, I don't yet feel I have as much positive control as with HG -
probably best not to crank tight turns right off the bat anyway.
Conversely, I'm also often behind the glider - my reactions are late -
have to think about it too long. I basically just flew into the ground
on my "landings" - forgot to flare or even get up out of the seat. Was
totally absorbed in my f***ed up approaches, trying to stay out of the
trees, power lines, etc. Just hope to survive this early learning
period without too many contusions and abrasions... - Hugh

On 19 Apr 2005, at 18:10, hepcat1989 wrote:

> Not a problem Hugh. Way to go on your pg mountain flights. Man that's
> a whole other creature- those pg's,but kind of the same huh? Shawn.
Posts: 2323
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:30 pm

Monday @ Pulpit

Post by mcelrah »

Yeah, I don't yet feel I have as much positive control as with HG -
probably best not to crank tight turns right off the bat anyway.
Conversely, I'm also often behind the glider - my reactions are late -
have to think about it too long. I basically just flew into the ground
on my "landings" - forgot to flare or even get up out of the seat. Was
totally absorbed in my f***ed up approaches, trying to stay out of the
trees, power lines, etc. Just hope to survive this early learning
period without too many contusions and abrasions... - Hugh

On 19 Apr 2005, at 18:10, hepcat1989 wrote:

> Not a problem Hugh. Way to go on your pg mountain flights. Man that's
> a whole other creature- those pg's,but kind of the same huh? Shawn.
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