Sunday flying

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Sunday flying

Post by SheilaGardner »

Yesterday I had my first footlaunch in longer than I care to remember at Avonmore (western PA).? The conditions were perfect and the site fantastic.? It's only about 380' with a launch like Fisher Road and an LZ about the size of Highland (since the crops weren't planted yet).? Decided to go for it and screamed out of launch (okay, a little nervous so I flew too fast).? I flew when conditions were benign so it was straight to the LZ where I did figure 8's (a little too low on my last turn onto final) but came in with nice speed and landed with a couple steps.? I didn't even nose over my UltraSport which I ALWAYS do!? GREAT day and felt great to be out again.? I can't wait to fly again!!? Sheila
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