Highland Sunday

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Highland Sunday

Post by flying_story »

Leaving my responsibities behind and heading out to Highland yesterday was the smartest thing I've done in a long time. I was nervous about my first flights of the season, plus, the spring air is always something to take seriously.

So, I almost didn't make the trip, but once I was on the highway all the good feelings about flying started coming back. The accident reports started fading to the background and I found myself smiling involuntarily.

Waited til 5pm for some relatively calm air. Of course, my vario was dead as a doornail from lack of use. The air was not completely smooth but it was bouyant enough to provide a slightly extended sled. The approach was confidence building and the landing better than usual. Whoops, forgot to take the vg off.

Was so fun I had to do it again, and landed even better this time!

In attendance enjoying the sky were Carlos, Charles, Tad, Pat F, Lenko, John W., Christian, Bill B & Joan, Ric, John Simon, Geoff, lots of tandems, the Highland crew, mom and dad Elchin, and others I'm sure I missed. There was lots of soaring, but I forget the numbers.

Can't wait til next time!!!

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