Bill's Hill Gala

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Jim Hodges
Posts: 23
Joined: Sat Feb 26, 2005 8:44 pm
Location: Neersville (Purcellville, Hillsboro) VA

Bill's Hill Gala

Post by Jim Hodges »

That was quite the hang gliding/paragliding festival on Saturday. The weather was incredible. The pilots were all very supportive and friendly. I would like to thank Matthew McGraham for his assist as my observer walking the LZ, batten tip repair, and pre-launch. Trust me, always have spare batten tips. However, duct tape worked like a charm. Brian V. advised that its "not for aviation repair."

By the time I launched the air was sliky smooth like butter. This was the type of air where the captain tells you you can take on your seat belt and move about the cabin. Of course, flight time was too brief for that. This time I didn't have any issues with my cocoon harness lines as on my first mtn flight at Woodstock. Conditions in the LZ were very light unlike the teeth rattling situation I encountered at Woodstock. Perhaps this was more of an ideal first mtn flight situation than Woodstock. Getting to soar on the first one was amazing but this was safer in my opinion for a fledgling.

I look forward to seeing you guys [Joe, Dave, Matt, Brian, Karen, Crag, Bacil....and others] on a mountain again soon.

Thank you Rich Hays for your support and instruction.

Jim Hodges
Posts: 23
Joined: Sat Feb 26, 2005 8:44 pm
Location: Neersville (Purcellville, Hillsboro) VA

Bill Gala

Post by Jim Hodges »

Oops, I was referring to taking off the seat belt.

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