More "foot in mouth disease" for Bush

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Paul Tjaden
Posts: 398
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More "foot in mouth disease" for Bush

Post by Paul Tjaden »

Check out this editorial from Marco's favorite publication:

More Than a Feeling

Published: April 4, 2007

President Bush and his advisers have made a lot of ridiculous charges about critics of the war in Iraq: they’re unpatriotic, they want the terrorists to win, they don’t support the troops, to cite just a few. But none of these seem quite as absurd as President Bush’s latest suggestion, that critics of the war whose children are at risk are too “emotional” to see things clearly.

The direct target was Matthew Dowd, one of the chief strategists of Mr. Bush’s 2004 presidential campaign, who has grown disillusioned with the president and the war, which he made clear in an interview with Jim Rutenberg published in The Times last Sunday. But by extension, Mr. Bush’s comments were insulting to the hundreds of thousands of Americans whose sons, daughters, sisters, brothers and spouses have served or will serve in Iraq.

They are perfectly capable of forming judgments about the war, pro or con, on the merits. But when Mr. Bush was asked about Mr. Dowd during a Rose Garden news conference yesterday, he said, “This is an emotional issue for Matthew, as it is for a lot of other people in our country.”

Mr. Dowd’s case, Mr. Bush said, “as I understand it, is obviously intensified because his son is deployable.”

Over the weekend, two of Mr. Bush’s chief spokesmen, Dan Bartlett and Dana Perino, claimed that Mr. Dowd’s change of heart about the war was rooted in “personal” issues and “emotions,” and talked of his “personal journey.” In recent years, Mr. Dowd suffered the death of a premature twin daughter, and was divorced. His son is scheduled to serve in Iraq soon.

Mr. Dowd said his experiences were a backdrop to his reconsideration of his support of the war and Mr. Bush. There is nothing wrong with that, but there is something deeply wrong with the White House’s dismissing his criticism as emotional, as if it has no reasoned connection to Mr. Bush’s policies.

This form of attack is especially galling from a president who from the start tried to paint this war as virtually sacrifice-free: the Iraqis would welcome America with open arms, the war would be paid for with Iraqi oil revenues — and the all-volunteer military would concentrate the sacrifice on only a portion of the nation’s families.

Mr. Bush’s comments about Mr. Dowd are a reflection of the otherworldliness that permeates his public appearances these days. Mr. Bush seems increasingly isolated, clinging to a fantasy version of Iraq that is more and more disconnected from reality. He gives a frightening impression that he has never heard any voice from any quarter that gave him pause, much less led him to rethink a position.

Mr. Bush’s former campaign aide showed an open-mindedness and willingness to adapt to reality that is sorely lacking in the commander in chief.
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Post by deveil »

i have to admit that i've (unwittingly?) entered a state of denial - or something.
except in a cursory fashion, i don't listen to the war news/discussions, the political discussions, read the articles about the war, about the disadministration. and - actively acknowledging that - leaves me feeling about as pitiful, pathetic and impotent as paying attention does. and i just don't know what the hell to do about that. . . except more denial. ranting at marco had just become its own form of escapism. but there just seems no way to escape the wretched consequences of two more years of these bush psycopaths.
McCain seems pathetic but i just can't believe it comes from stupidity, ignorance, arrogance or a desire for personal/political gain - indeed i wonder that that very pathetic aspect of his actions/speech/stances may imply some sort of sacrificial heroicism (?!). i have a sense of why he's doing/saying what he is - sort of a 'the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know' - a fear that 'yeah, we're definitely fucked, no doubt about it, we've been royally screwed by the bushies, and though "we" have Done wrong, in fact we're Doing wrong - keeping at it is The Only Possible Way to somehow find a way to make it right in the end.' ?????

someone tell me again how this is backasswards? i feel totally fucked under.
(no, not you, you stupid fuck marco).
Posts: 1336
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2005 4:13 pm
Location: garyD - Falls Church, Va

Post by deveil »

on friday, 'made an appointment for monday morning to meet with the administrator of the walter reed location. said i'd bring a bucket of tools. they seemed receptive to the offer.
(sometimes it helps me get off my butt, if i first get pissed off then write a check with my mouth)
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