Real Time

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Real Time

Post by hepcat1989 »

I really enjoy a show on HBO called Real Time with Bill Maher.I think he does a good job with our current crises.
Look, i'm not as educated as most of you on this forum. I'm just an average Joe, but i'm not stupid. I do observe events. Starting with George sitting on his hands for 8 mins. while our country was being attacked. Did he know it was going to happen? I know that's far fetched , but did he? He was looking like a deer in the head lights.Originally I was behind him when we went after Saddam and his WMD's. Where are they?What happened there? I was lied to.... Then he morphed that war into a terrorist thing. Was Afganistan and Iraq linked together? I don't think so. It was good for propoganda. To be able to sell it to the people. What happened for the hunt for Osama? These are conclusions I am coming to myself. By myself... How many of the High Jackers were from Saudi Arabia? 14 or something? What happened there?..................
I responded to Marco about Troop support and I was pretty blunt and harsh. For that I'm sorry. It comes from frustration and anger!
If he still supports George and his agenda, well he's entitled....
I myself can't. If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck.........
I think it's wasted money and damm sure wasted blood!
I think the resources could be better utilized here at home, for instance New Orleans. I was down there talking to, and working with the people.They are not a bunch of thugs. Homeowners- some working 2,3 jobs. Pay their taxes and their premiums. A hurricane went through. Yes. They are below sea level. Yes, but it's been 19 fucking months! The disaster wasn't the hurricane. It was without a doubt the federal response. They are hurting!Everybody else gets rebuilt pretty damn quick.They are Americans! Let me repeat- They are Americans! What happened? What is still happening? They need help and resoures!
I am really starting to fully understand the concept of ''ignorance is bliss" It would be sooooo easy to wear blinders. As long as it's not happening to me or mine in my backyard then fuck it. That's not helping me or correcting our country's sad state of affairs.
I used to be a patriot. You know " Go U.S.A." I'm not that guy anymore. Right wrong , or indifferent. I rest that squarely on George's shoulders. I don't trust him. I don't ..... I don't think he has our best interests in mind. I feel that he and his cronies are just getting all they can while they can. Fucking SAD! Power corrupts........
Our country is going down the crapper and George is flushing the handle.
We are messing up. We are going in the wrong direction......I am a registered Dem. this is true,but i'm to the point where I don't give a SHIT about political parties. I want a government with common sense and can do the RIGHT thing. Is that a Utopia?

I'm doing the best I can..
An Average Joe.
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Re: Real Time

Post by deveil »

hepcat1989 wrote: ...I do observe events...

that's what counts - that and giving a damn.
hepcat1989 wrote: ...I used to be a patriot...
the only thing i'd fault you on - letting Anyone claim the mantle of 'patriot' as theirs exclusively. don't buy into that BS.

(where do i go to get those fries?)
Posts: 684
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:15 pm

Post by hepcat1989 »

It's how I feel. Pretty bleak huh?
The fries.......I don't know . Even Mcdonalds taste like cardboard now...
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