Impeachment(!) - If Not Here and Now, Why Not ?

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Impeachment(!) - If Not Here and Now, Why Not ?

Post by deveil »

up til now, i'd thought it would be *best for the country* if we just waited Bush out - that regardless of any justifications, more and unnecessary harm would come to the country by impeaching the president than by Not bringing up impeachment charges. i Do believe that that is the bottom line consideration, regardless of what legal or ethical lines may or may not have been crossed.
considering the degree to which things are heating up - seemingly more than the regular political hot-simmer - more than just the congressional democrats taking over from the republicans roil - more than just the pot calling the kettle black, as a coming election heats up and prepares to come to a full boil - should we look ahead a bit and ask what should actually be on the menu? whereas 'head on a pike' Does look scrumptuous . . .
shit, i gotta unleash this - trying to carry this analogy further is feeling more like lugging a pooper-scooper than taking home a doggy bag!
the question would be: are we better off just tightening up on the leash - or should we go ahead and dump this mongrel off at the pound (knowing full well that we're gonna hafta face the kids (them screaming, bratty, childish pseudo-republicans and their dogged sympathsizers).

note to marco-the-macabre: if necessary, the cook can dish this up in a spicier, more incendiary form - say, a four chilly peppers rating instead of just two - if that's what it would take to get your mouth watering.

(Wait! you gotta pay the check before you leave! tips (or opinions) welcome).
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Location: garyD - Falls Church, Va

Post by deveil »

dear mr. garrulous gasbag,
would it not be proper that you reveal your true identity as being a Feckless-Flatulent-Fat-Head?
you know, just asking.
a pill-popping, fornicating, tax-cheating, constitution-stomping, deaf-except-to-the-sound-of-my-own-shouting, everbody-who-disagrees-with-me-is-a-terrorist-but-I'm-Not!, bulging-pop-eyed, red-blooded-if-it-were-not-for-the-ice-in-my-veins-and-my-heart, ditto-head-republican (far, far right (alquedaesque) wing).

p.s. my wife said you spelled skrummshush wrong. dikhead

the real...
Marco Zee
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Post by Marco Zee »

I fully support the immediate impeachment of the Prez by the Dems !!! Nothing could make me happier !!!

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Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2005 4:13 pm
Location: garyD - Falls Church, Va

Post by deveil »

hmmm . . . ?
do we have our new John Dean?
gw gave the finger to congress about aides testifying (the dismissed attornys general matter)
the u.s. attorney general's chief of staff was dumped as the scapegoat in the matter.
i believe i just heard that the dude agreed to testify to congress UNDER OATH - after gw said NOBODY was about to do such a thing.

looks like scooters conviction may have had some impact.
time to start paying attention.

patience, marco, patience.
of course, right now Would be best for yous guys.
don't think our guys will be that dumb.
i'm thinking maybe the bushies have had plenty of time - there's been plenty of rope for them to have hung themselve all nice and proper like.
i do believe things will be getting pretty hot and sticky and scary.

gw may end up wishing he hadn't been so ambitious as to screw the whole damn country - wished he'd settled on a 'bj' between consenting adults! :twisted:
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