Edith gap update

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Edith gap update

Post by tetzen »

Dear members,
The CHGPA board has considered a number of options to increase the safety of the use
of our Edith Gap flying site. We appreciate the input received from all so far and will
continue to assess the best approach for increasing safe usage and access to the
site. To that end, the board has settled on three recommendations we are putting
forth for the club’s for consideration.
1. Expanding Landing Zone area
a. CHGPA will be clearing the Islands of Trees at the bottom of LZ and the
Garden at the top of the landing zone. CHGPA has received approval from
Bill & Eleanor Mason to proceed with this action imminently.
b. Pursuant to the future approval of the Masons’, the further clearing of pine
trees across the road from the Garden area. This action is under
consideration by the Masons and their family presently while the club
discusses how best to accomplish this. This may require increased costs for
mowing among other expenses.
2. Site Briefing and Flying Requirements
a. Pilots utilizing Edith Gap with a P2 rating must be under Radio Guidance at all
times by Club Mentors that are located both at launch and in the landing
zone for a minimum of five flights and until a Club Mentor signs off on the P2
pilot operating without Radio Guidance.
i. Radio Guidance requires both the observed P2 pilot and both Club
Mentors to have working and active radios permitting two-way
communication for the duration of any flight.
ii. A Club Mentor is a member of the club with a minimum P4 rating and
minimum ten launches at the site being utilized.
b. It is not recommended for pilots with a P2 rating to fly at Edith’s Gap between
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. P2 pilots are strongly discouraged from flying during this
time at Edith’s Gap during active thermal season from March through
3. Revision of Landing Approach
a. Flights occurring at Edith Gap, where a landing may occur during thermic
periods, specifically between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, are recommended to
use the Chicken Coop Landing Zone across the bridge if it is within glide.
(See Image below.)
i. The Mason’s Landing Zone should only be used as a backup landing
zone if the Chicken Coop Landing Zone is not within glide during the
thermic time period. Pilots attaining sufficient altitude to glide to
other LZ’s are encouraged to continue flights in a manner that will
allow usage of alternative LZ’s during the thermic period.
b. The site briefing will have a more detailed description of the approach into
the Mason’s Landing Zone with more objective numbers and references.
The board is looking to implement these recommendations as soon as possible following
further consultation with the membership. The conversations have been productive so far
and we ask all members to be respectful and considerate of each other during this time.
Everyone’s goal is to ensure we each get to enjoy safe flying at our sites and continue to
contribute to this sport.
The Board of CHGPA
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